Quick Start


If you are familiar with Docker, you can use the LD-R Dockerfile or LD-R Dockerhub image (docker pull ali1k/ld-r) to deploy it easily on your server. LD-R also provides a docker-compose file to get bundled with Virtuoso triple store. To try that, run docker-compose up

In order to manually install the LD-R platform:

  1. Go to NodeJS and download the latest version (> 6.0.0) of Node for your operating system.
  2. Once you installed the Node, open your command line terminal and do node --version to make sure that you have the right version of Node.
  3. Node provides npm as its package manager. Now that you have installed Node, you should be able to check the npm as well: npm --version
  4. [Optional] I usually use n to take care of different versions of Node on my machine. It is a magical npm package which makes your life with Node much easier! You can do npm install -g n and then simply type n to see all the versions of NodeJS installed on your machine. By running n latest you can always get the latest version of Node! Isn't that cool?!
  5. Using npm, you should globally install Webpack package which Is used in LD-R to build the application. In order to install Webpack, simply run npm install webpack -g.
  6. Download Git for your operating system.
  7. The next step is to clone the LD-R repository from Github: git clone https://github.com/ali1k/ld-r.git
  8. Go to the LD-R folder (or any name you have chosen while cloning the repo): cd ld-r
  9. Here is where the pain for windows users start! If you are on a Unix-based OS, simply run ./install and wait for everything to be settled. If you are a lucky windows user, just double click on the install.bat file and wait for installation. If not, you have to do the following steps manually:
    1. run npm install and wait for all the magic of Node to install the required dependencies!
    2. You would need to copy/rename some config files which are git-ignored (*be careful that in windows you might need to make sure that renaming the file also changes the type of the file to js. You can open the files in Notepad and do 'Save as..'. Then, use double quotes surrounding the title e.g. "server.js" to save the file as js! crazy? isn't it?!):
      • Make a copy of configs/general.sample.js and rename it to configs/general.js
      • Make a copy of configs/server.sample.js and rename it to configs/server.js
      • Make a copy of configs/reactor.sample.js and rename it to configs/reactor.js
      • Make a copy of configs/facets.sample.js and rename it to configs/facets.js
      • We are almost there! the last change: Make a copy of plugins/email/config.sample.js and rename it to plugins/email/config.js

Run in Production Mode

npm run build

(* windows users: only if the above command did not work!) npm run build:windows

check server at localhost:4000

Development Mode

npm run dev

(* windows users: only if the above command did not work!) npm run dev:windows

check server at localhost:3000


The power of LD-R is revealed when you configure/customize the platform. Check the available configs for each component on the LD-R documentation page. You can follow our basic tutorial to get a feeling how these configurations work.

Fill in general settings for your application at configs/general.js.

Fill in appropriate values for server port, URLs of your SPARQL endpoint and DBpedia lookup service at configs/server.js.

Fill in appropriate settings for your UI reactors at configs/reactor.js.

Fill in appropriate settings for the faceted browser at configs/facets.js.

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