Config: General

For general config, you have to change the following parameters in configs/general.js:

Parameter Description Example value
appFullTitle The title which appears as page title of your application. ['Linked Data Reactor']
appShortTitle Short title of your application. ['LD-Reactor']
baseResourceDomain the domain name under which basic dynamic resources and user resources will be defined. ['']
defaultDatasetURI URI of the default dataset to be viewed/browsed/edited. If not set, will consider all existing graph names in 'generic' endpoint. ['']
enableAuthentication If set to '1', will prevent access to datasets unless user is registered and logged in to the system. 0
authDatasetURI URI of the dataset used to store user's data. It is required if enableAuthentication is set to '1'.
enableUserConfirmation If set to '1', will allow super users to confirm and activate registered users. 0
enableEmailNotifications If set to '1', will enable email notifications on new user registration, user account activation, etc. 0
enableEmailNotifications If set to '1', will enable email notifications on new user registration, user account activation, etc. 0
useGoogleRecaptcha If you want to enable Google recaptcha for user registration. Tracking code for the Google recaptcha service should be added to server config. 0
enableLogs If set to '1', will log all update actions of users in the 'log' directory. 0
googleAnalyticsID When provided, will track the users on your LD-R instance using Google Analytics. 0
enableDynamicServerConfiguration if set to '1', will use the server configs stored in a triple store. 1
enableDynamicReactorConfiguration if set to '1', will use the reactor configs stored in a triple store. 1
enableDynamicFacetsConfiguration if set to '1', will use the facets configs stored in a triple store. 1
enableAddingNewDatasets if set to '1', wil allow users to create new datasets. 1
enableDatasetAnnotation if set to '1', wil allow users to annotate existing datasets using NLP APIs. 1
enableQuerySaveImport if set to '1', wil allow users to store their queries and import them later on to reproduce their browsing experience. 1
configDatasetURI dataset/graphName that stores your dynamic configurations ['']

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