For general config, you have to change the following parameters in configs/general.js:
Parameter | Description | Example value |
appFullTitle | The title which appears as page title of your application. | ['Linked Data Reactor'] |
appShortTitle | Short title of your application. | ['LD-Reactor'] |
baseResourceDomain | the domain name under which basic dynamic resources and user resources will be defined. | [''] |
defaultDatasetURI | URI of the default dataset to be viewed/browsed/edited. If not set, will consider all existing graph names in 'generic' endpoint. | [''] |
enableAuthentication | If set to '1', will prevent access to datasets unless user is registered and logged in to the system. | 0 |
authDatasetURI | URI of the dataset used to store user's data. It is required if enableAuthentication is set to '1'. | |
enableUserConfirmation | If set to '1', will allow super users to confirm and activate registered users. | 0 |
enableEmailNotifications | If set to '1', will enable email notifications on new user registration, user account activation, etc. | 0 |
enableEmailNotifications | If set to '1', will enable email notifications on new user registration, user account activation, etc. | 0 |
useGoogleRecaptcha | If you want to enable Google recaptcha for user registration. Tracking code for the Google recaptcha service should be added to server config. | 0 |
enableLogs | If set to '1', will log all update actions of users in the 'log' directory. | 0 |
googleAnalyticsID | When provided, will track the users on your LD-R instance using Google Analytics. | 0 |
enableDynamicServerConfiguration | if set to '1', will use the server configs stored in a triple store. | 1 |
enableDynamicReactorConfiguration | if set to '1', will use the reactor configs stored in a triple store. | 1 |
enableDynamicFacetsConfiguration | if set to '1', will use the facets configs stored in a triple store. | 1 |
enableAddingNewDatasets | if set to '1', wil allow users to create new datasets. | 1 |
enableDatasetAnnotation | if set to '1', wil allow users to annotate existing datasets using NLP APIs. | 1 |
enableQuerySaveImport | if set to '1', wil allow users to store their queries and import them later on to reproduce their browsing experience. | 1 |
configDatasetURI | dataset/graphName that stores your dynamic configurations | [''] |